Purpose: The purpose of the Long Lake Association is to protect the environment and welfare of Long Lake NE, Beltrami County, by providing assistance to the lake residents in maintaining the pristine quality, clarity and natural beauty of the area and the cultivation of mutual fellowship between its members. Members in the capacity of representing this corporation do not lobby for or against the election of a government official.
Eligibility: To better protect and maintain the water quality of Long Lake NE, Beltrami County, all persons who own or lease property that is located at least in part within 1,000 feet of Long Lake NE high watermark are eligible for full voting membership by paying the yearly dues. Persons who live beyond the 1,000-foot high watermark are eligible to join the Association as non-voting members by paying the yearly dues.
Dues: Dues ($20.00 per household) are payable at the annual meeting of each calendar year and the amount is set by the Executive Committee with the approval of the majority of eligible voters at the meeting. If dues are in default, it is NOT necessary to bring membership up to date before being reinstated. To pay membership fees, please make a check payable to : Long Lake Association and deliver a check/cash to our Treasurer, Candy Schultz, or pay by Venmo at longlake_assoc. (4 digits- if needed- 0152).
ATTENTION: Membership dues expire on July 31st. of the current year. Long Lake fiscal year runs August 1st through July 31st, however dues are welcome anytime. Dues paid anytime in the summer will take you through the new year, until the next August. The dues are $20.00 per household.
Don’t wait for the next annual meeting. JOIN NOW!
Click here to email our Treasurer at