President: Jane Carlson (term end 8/26)
Vice President: Brian Moher (term ends 8/27)
Secretary: Open board position (term ends 8/25)
Treasurer: Candy Schultz (term ends 8/25)
At-Large #1: Gant Wegner (term ends 8/27)
At-Large #2: Matt Johnson (term ends 8/27)
At-Large #3: Jerry Anderson (term ends 8/26)
The Executive Board appreciates any and all input by Association members. Meetings are open to anyone who chooses to attend.
The purpose of the Association is to protect the environment and welfare of Long Lake, Northeast Beltrami County, by providing assistance to the lake residents in maintaining the pristine quality, clarity, and natural beauty of the area and the cultivation of mutual fellowship between its members.
The name of this Association shall be known as the Long Lake Association, hereinafter referred to as “the Association.”
Section 1 — Eligibility
To better protect and maintain the water quality of Long Lake NE, Beltrami County, all persons who own or lease property that is located at least in part within 1,000 feet of Long Lake NE high watermark are eligible for full voting membership by paying the yearly dues. Persons who live beyond the 1,000-foot high watermark are eligible to join the Association as non-voting members by paying the yearly dues.
Section 2 — Dues
Dues shall be payable at the annual meeting of each calendar year, an amount to be set by the Executive Committee with the approval of the majority of eligible voters at said meeting.
Section 3 — Officers
All members are eligible to run for Officers or the Executive Committee of the Association or become members of organizational committees as appointed by the President.
Officers of the Association shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The President of this Association shall be responsible for the supervision and execution of the Association affairs, included among these duties are the following:
- Convene and chair meeting of the membership;
- Convene and chair meetings of the Executive Committee;
- Appoint the organizational committees of the Association and designate chairpersons of such committees;
- Supervise the process of enforcing the By-Laws of the Association;
- Act as the official representative and spokesperson of the Association;
- Call and preside over special meetings of the Association.
- Have the capability of financial transactions along with the Treasurer;
- Make emergency decisions for the Association;
- Perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Association may direct.
The Vice-President of the Association shall assume the office and duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as the President may direct.
The Secretary of the Association shall be responsible for the performance of the following duties:
- Keep accurate and current written minutes of all membership and Executive Committee meetings;
- Report minutes as appropriate at subsequent meetings;
- Be responsible for correspondence in cooperation with the President;
- Coordinate with the Treasurer in the collection of dues;
- Provide copies of the minutes of all meetings to the Officers or members as may be requested;
- Perform such other duties as the President or Executive Committee may direct.
The Treasurer of the Association shall be responsible for the performance of the following duties;
- Be responsible for the affairs of the Association relating to the receipt, accounting, allocation, disbursement, and investment of monies and other assets of the Association;
- Shall receive all the money belonging to the Association and deposit same as received in the name of the Long Lake Association in a depository of his/her choice with the approval of the Association officers;
- Report the financial condition of the Association at the annual meeting;
- Maintain a correct and current roster of the members of the Association;
- Perform such other duties as President or Executive Committee may direct.
The Executive Committee for the Association shall include the identified officers and three at-large members.
Duties: The Executive Committee of the Association, subject to the review and approval of the membership, shall exercise general governance over the organization known as the Long Lake Association. Among the duties of the Executive Committee are the following;
- The Executive Committee shall represent the Association at public hearings, through correspondence, and by site visits to fulfill the purpose of the Association;
- The Executive Committee may speak for the Association, unless directed otherwise, on matters involving variance requests that would affect the beauty, quality, welfare, or use of Long Lake;
- The Executive Committee may be designed by the membership of the Association as a Board of Arbitration, Investigation or Appeal in disputed matters of the Association and, when acting in such capacity the Executive Committee shall formulate and present to the membership recommendations for dispute resolution;
- All matters discussed at the Executive meeting will be disposed of at the next regular meeting of the Association;
- The Executive Committee shall convey matters of policy, Constitution and By-Laws, and the general welfare of the Association to Association members;
- The Executive Committee is responsible for coordination of the activities of the Association;
- The Executive Committee may use funds in excess of $500 for any particular activity, action, or event only with expressed approval of the membership;
- Perform such other duties as may be required by the Association.
- The annual business meeting and potluck picnic will be held each August.
- Five or more members may petition the Executive Committee for a meeting of the membership. The Executive Committee must meet within 4 days of receipt of the petition and, after verifying the validity of the petition, must call a meeting of the membership.
- The Executive Committee shall call membership meetings when directed and necessary within a minimum of 14 days.
- Quorum at a meeting of the membership shall be at least 25% of the members.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at a minimum of twice each year to conduct the business of the Association.
- The Executive Committee meetings will be called with a minimum of 48-hour advance notice.
- The election of officers of the Association shall take place at the regular August business meeting.
- A committee consisting of five members will be appointed by the President prior to the annual meeting and shall be called the Election Committee.
- The Election Committee shall verify eligibility of voters, call for nomination, pass out, count, and record ballots.
- Each member shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings on any subject except when a roll call vote is called for-then it will be a maximum of one vote per ownership or lessee of each qualifying property.
- A roll call or secret ballot may be called for by any member.
- Election of office terms shall be as follows upon adoption of these By-Laws:
- President—one year, then for three years thereafter;
- Vice-President—two years, then for three years thereafter;
- Secretary—one year, then three years thereafter;
- Treasurer—two years, then three years thereafter;
- Members-at-Large: one for one year, one for two years and one for three years, then for three year terms as their terms expire.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all rules of order at all meeting of the Association, unless otherwise provided herein.
- These By-Laws may be amended at any business meeting by a 60% affirmative vote of the eligible members present, provided the notice of the proposed amendment was given at the last previous regular or special meeting.
- Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by at least five members of the Association.
- These By-Laws may be suspended at any business or special meeting by a 60% affirmative vote of the eligible members present.
- These By-Laws shall cause any previous documents to become null and void and shall become effective in August 2014.